Trump Assassination over Nazi Pesticide

Never Kill the Messenger of Statistical Data in which You’ll read in various reports in the site. These Topics are simply conversations not to ignore if You want to find Safety which is not at a Political event for this kind of Confused Leader much like Biden who both obviously ate the The American Nazi McCoy Families Phosphineized Bread.

According to street-level Families who work in Intelligence data gathered reflect warnings were sent to Donald Trump and others by families concerned about the mass depopulation scheme orchestrated by big pesticide and pharmaceutical companies, often referred to as “Nazi Christians.” These warnings also came from suffering masses, families within the Secret Service, and intelligence sectors in both The U.S.A., Arabia and Russia.

VIDEO: Migrant Farmworkers May Have Been Sickened By Toxic Pesticide Greenlighted by EPA Under Trump (

These elitists, in many cases, become deafened and blinded to the Maker’s design format, which begins with a snake-less green garden, full of radiant beauty. Just as in the 9-11 return pawn jihadist to elitist depopulationist architects, they are so blind as to believe the world’s intelligence agencies are not watching known Nazi nexus elitists from the non-poisoned top 8% as Obviously the Secret Service and their Foreign Intelligence Influencer’s have returned the Bullets to Trump Team. All it takes in America is to Agree with Prince Phillips Royal Blue Nazi Christian Politico Bioweapons Builders, then Point this Bio Bullet at 92 Percent of All Law Enforcement, their Friend’s and Families who watch over the Poor Humble Public from their chosen lesser positions not from a Country Club. Then Instantly You create a Death Blow from the True Maker of the Universe which is not the Metaverse.

Law Enforcement and their Families in America are extremely pissed about this topic in which Politicians have openly aired themselves accepting Millions as Trump did. This is blatantly suicidal, a certain Death Sentence. It’s simple Historical Karma anyone can read about.

This is a Great Verse for Trump to Read with others from the Scribal Community concerning Hurting the Inncoent Children of the Earth whom You have refused to Teach the Law it is better that You Killl Yourself remembersing that Rich men can not see Heaven nor the Requirements of the King and Prince of Peace.

When just men increase, the people shall rejoice: when the wicked shall bear rule, the people shall mourn.

Proverbs 29:2 – Bible Gateway